Wednesday, June 6, 2012

White owl and rains

White Owl… blood… Owl’s neck was wrecked, then how it is still smiling? Why it is dark in the morning, or am I going to office in midnight? How Moon is shining like sun? Bus stop is on my terrace?

“What the hell??!!?!?”
“Thank God! It was a nightmare” I sighed

Yes yes, I know my dreams are crazy, but do nightmares have to be sane? Never mind, this day is going to be best. I look out of window, the morning is amazingly beautiful. It must have been drizzling all night. Tiny water drops floating in the air, caressing the damp road. Droplets reach my heart and drench its land, the seeds of happiness sprouts and a fruity smile spreads on my face.

Everything about rain is so easy to love. Green trees making crown for roads, ready to welcome. The whispers of cold wind, trying to tell secrets.  Gulmohar (Flame tree) blossoming in full bloom. The aroma of earth... Rain makes earth my Eden garden.

If anyone of you is thinking of cribbing about rains, my rally of cry would be “So what?” (From CnH). Rain makes roads muddy, slippery; so what? My clothes don’t get dried, and stinks; so what? Blah blah…; so what? The water becomes too cold to bathe; so what? All you guys who don’t like rain, I’ve this travel machine and I would be happy to ship you to Sahara. But if you’re going to stay here, don’t you say anything about rains.

PS: I’ve been very emotional since morning, so pliss to ignore any mistakes.

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