Monday, May 7, 2012

Some stories

There is this great blog by blog by Vivek where you can write 55wordstory on the theme of the day. The themes are declared on twitter, you can follow @vivekisms

A few times I managed write on some themes that I'm posting below.

The way it feels here is total irony. The madness of vehicles tearing their way off road, their headlights racing like comets. I never believed that the air on hillock above the express-way could be so peaceful.  My restless mind obsessed with thoughts of loneliness, finds peace here; on the craziest place in the city.

She was going home after 6 months, to her Mum Dad and little big-brother. Gifts for everyone were picked and packed nicely. The Bloody Boss had held her in office too late. Standing amidst scattered surprise-gifts on floor, she hears the announcement of train departing the platform with open suitcase in hand.

She: So, where do we go after we die? He: Don’t give me that again. She: Hmm… I just hope you must not exist there. He walked out, this time she didn't stop him. With spontaneous clam on her face she stood on the edge.

She is falling thru infinite pit, into the blissed space. 

She reached for ipod, untangled earphones and plugged in music. She wondered, no one touches earphones still they get tangled on their own, yet every-time she fixes them. If only she had patiently tried to detangle the relation with him, life would have been easier. With a smile on face she determined, it’s never too late.


  1. Awesome work Lioness,I loved each one of them,kudos to you girl!
