Friday, October 14, 2011


The last weekend in Hyderabad couldn’t be any better!

Saturday: Was like a normal Saturday, woke up early in the noon. The girls stuff was on, and one of us wanted to go to movie. Unluckily there were none good movies that weekend, but for crying out loud Mausam. I strongly refused to go to Mausam and we ended up with Force (Cry louder). After looking in two theaters for tickets, we could get in in cinemax. (Yes, want to inform me about online bookings, kill BookMyshow Hyderabad, it’s been down for months). So we lunched at KFC and started with Force. Every single stupid conversation (call it dialogue and you insult the term dialogue) in the movie was fired with my stupider comments and we three were only laughing in there. So, that was a refreshing comedy movie. After that we did some shopping. Of-course if girls go out and don’t shop it doesn’t count. So, a special Saturday went all normal.

Image source:
Sunday: It was planned with one of my other best friends, and I’d to shop some luggage as well. We completed all my work by 7.00 pm, and it was too early. Then he told he want me to buy a gift for myself, whatsoever was the reason I was not in a mood to shop, by the though in my mind that this will be my last time to be go around like this. And I couldn’t get myself any gift. Like all other times when we would fight forcing each other to buy gifts. Whenever we go out for dinner, it’s a ritual to go to cream stone. After dining in Chutny’s (yes, the one which has something to do with star Chiranjivi) for the first time, we reached our cream stone. The ice cream parlor I would miss most of Hyderabad, after chick biriyani. That has got so many memories attached to it that I can make a blog post on it too. We did not have any appetite left, but ice-cream can never be denied. We took our standard for him death by chocolate and mine mango with jelly toppings, damn they replaced mango with seasonal custard apple flavor. That is the last fruit on earth I would eat. So, anyways I took magic-pop. Sitting on the stairs outside the cream stone there was the balloon guy, holding four five dozens of red-white heart shaped balloons. My friend was blabbering and I was looking on those balloons all the time, now and then he would pluck the strings in a manner making balloons wave in beautiful patterns. No one bought a single balloon for half-an-hr. I told my friend, he told couples will buy them, I asked what do they do after buying them. He laughed out loud and told me they write their name on it and let it fly. Then I laughed out loud, for no knowing this stupid thing. All the while we chit-chat, my eyes were on balloons only, and I was thinking how hard his work is, standing so long and still there is no guarantee that he would be able to sell all of them. Some more time passed and few kids bought couple of balloons, that was a relief to me atlast. Whenever I go out and see people working so hard to make few bucks, I feel grateful to Allah that I’ve a decent job. Wooho… I drifted from the topic of post. So as my last Sunday was ending, while staring at balloons I was sure, I would miss a few good friends that I made here and the places I visited with them.

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