Friday, December 9, 2011


What are friends for? They are the family you have when you don’t have any. When you’re off, they would know, without you telling them, when you are happy they know and take you out to celebrate.  You choose them and let themselves into your lives. Not only sometimes, most of the times they know you better than what you know of yourself.  In friends it’s never my problem/ your problem it’s always our problem. One day without them would not be imaginable, it’s not the physical presence that is necessary, just the assurance that they will be there whenever you need them. Would come to help from the other side of world in your trouble, again not the presence is necessary, just few kind words would do.  And one day if they forget the most important day of the year for you, you become sad and feel lonely just because one of them has forgotten, while others are still there, but every single friend is important to you. Then don’t you have a right to be angry/sad? Are you then expecting too much? Where did all our thing go, then their problems become their problems and you become someone? Wouldn’t hell break over your head and the earth burn under your feet? And what was your fault, just the thing that you are expecting too much. Should you stop expecting from your friends too? Go become cynical and become walking dead? No expectations no disappointments; is life that simple?  

Image source internet


  1. :O U posted it here too!!! :@ Never mind!!! :D I guess we have a long story follwoing this post..tht wud b too big a comment :P Print outs will tell the tale to our young ones one day darling :D

  2. Hehehe... but why are you Anonymous???
    I put everything in blogger too, for backup :P
